Friday, December 28, 2012

Essay Writing Guide | Online Education Blog

writing essya Essay Writing GuideWriting essay is a common assignment given by teachers to expand students? comprehension of certain topic. However, getting good essay score is quite difficult because most teachers evaluate the essay carefully and thoroughly. Therefore, you have to do the right ways in writing essay. Make sure you follow the guidance of writing each part of the essay below.


A good essay should have a good start. First impression is one of the main things that determine your essay result. All readers including your teachers certainly will be attracted and decide to continue reading or not based on their first impression when reading your essay.

Therefore, you have to create attractive introduction by giving a good argument or an engaging statement about the topic that is going to be discussed. Furthermore, to avoid making boring and flat introduction, you can quote experts? quotations. For example is if you are going to write essay about health, you can quote ?A fit, healthy body?that is the best fashion statement? from Jess. C. Scott or ?The first wealth is health? from Ralph Waldo Emerson, etc.


Don?t be rushed to start writing essay body because you have to understand the topic first. You should do research about the topic first before writing. Thus, based on your knowledge got when doing research, you have to make outlines by expanding the main topic.

Then, you also have to make sub points because each point must be equipped with several supporting sentences. Bear in mind to stay focused on writing to keep it relevant with the main topic.


Writing conclusion should be the easiest part if you created good essay?s introduction and body. You only need to make a brief summary of the main topic discussed in your essay. In addition, you can also ask readers to take action after reading your essay. Conclusion shouldn?t be too long, just make it clear and rational.

Well, isn?t writing essay quite easy? If you are still confused of writing essay well, you should not worry because there is custom essay writing service available on the internet that overcomes this problem because there are experts who write essay for you.

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